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With a style that rivals the bands that have inspired him, it is no surprise that Sean Kenna is a self- proclaimed geek with rock and metal inclinations. The rebellious nature that almost sent him down a musical path evolved into a constant questioning of life as we know it. The more technologically advanced we become as a society, the more baffling he finds it that there remains so many important mysteries left unanswered. As the residential sceptic of the Dark Territory team, Sean’s mind immediately searches for a rational explanation, no matter how quickly others might label an event as supernatural.

Classic horror films fuelled Owen’s creative fire, he fondly remembers his childhood attempts to recreate his favourite clips using his father’s old camera. That connection never faded as newer horror offerings inspired his self-education of how to properly light and shoot a scene. The practice paid off, forging Owen into a gifted cinematographer and documentarian who shapes Dark Territory as a creative property. As a member of the investigative team, he grew up exposed to ideas of the supernatural, but he retains a healthy dose of scientism. This makes him the glue that holds the group together as he sits squarely between the belief levels of his teammates.

Karl has lived dozens of lives. From serving as a Green Beret in the Royal Marines to DJing at major music festivals to gathering as a well-respected paranormal investigator. On some level, every path he’s walked has been to find solace and a sense of purpose after being tormented when younger from something that can only be described as otherworldly that culminated with an exorcism. The supernatural has left a long-lasting imprint and his devotion to find out more has allowed Karl to develop his skills in the world of paranormal documentary filmmaking. With a creative soul, a fearless sense of exploration and the drive to reach a summit of any mountain, Karl rounds up the team as an unwavering believer.

From a very young age, Kate has been brought up learning (and has consistently studied) the realms of Occult Science, Alientology, and Parapsychology. By living in five countries, her knowledge of four languages (including Latin) has only strengthened her love of world history and delving into historical archives. The more a story was unexplained, of long ago, local, mystical and/or forgotten about; the better.
As a devoted teacher and enthusiastic history buff, she knows full-well that having valuable background knowledge is so important - especially when it comes to paranormal investigations. A skeptic, yet open-minded member, who cherishes her work as a historical researcher for the team.
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